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Index no. 0014
This page links to scans of the maps from "Illustrirter Hand-Atlas".
Further information about this atlas.
Plate no. | Plate title | German title | comments |
title page | |||
1 | Europe [Belgium, Denmark, Germany], flags | Europa. Flaggen | |
2 | Europe [Germany, France, Greece], flags | Europa. Flaggen | |
3 | Europe [Greece, Great Britain, Holland], flags | Europa. Flaggen | |
4 | Europe [Holland, Italy, Ionian Islands, Portugal], flags | Europa. Flaggen | |
5 | Europe [Russia, Sweden, Spain, Turkey], flags | Europa. Flaggen | |
6 | Europe [Turkey], Asia, Africa. Flags | Europa, Asien, Afrika. Flaggen | |
7 | Africa, America, Australia. Flags | Afrika, Amerika, Australien. Flaggen | |
[Heraldry and Medals, Austria and Germany] | |||
Russia [Heraldry and medals] | Russland | ||
Great Britain [Heraldry and medals] | Grossbritannien | ||
France [Heraldry and medals] | Frankreich | ||
Austria [Heraldry and medals] | Oesterreich | ||
Prussia [Heraldry and medals] | Preussen | ||
2 | World map | Erdkarte | |
3 | Europe | Europa | |
4 | Asia | Asien | |
5 | Africa. The Cape | Afrika. Das Capland | |
6 | North America. The north-west passage | Nord-Amerika. Die Nord West Passage | |
7 | South America. The Panama isthmus | Süd-Amerika. Der Isthmis von Panama und Darien | |
8 | Australia. (Victoria.) South Australia. | Australien. Australia Felix. Süd-Australien | |
9 | Scandinavian peninsula (Sweden and Norway) Denmark and Finland | Skandinavische Halbinsel (Schweden u. Norwegen) Dänemark u. Finland | |
10 | European Russia with Poland and the Caucasus | Europäisches Russland mit Polen und dem Kaukasus | |
11 | European Turkey, Greece and the Ionian Islands | Europäisches Türkei, Griechenland und die Jonischen Inseln | |
12 | Greece | Griechenland | |
13 | Italy | Italien | |
14 | Spain and Portugal | Spanien und Portugal | |
15 | Great Britain and Ireland | Grossbritannien u. Irland | |
16 | France. Neighbourhood of Paris | Frankreich. Umgebungen von Paris | |
17 | The Netherlands and Belgium | Dir Nederland u. Belgien | |
18 | Denmark. Copenhagen | Dänemark. Kopenhagen | |
19 | Germany | Deutschland | |
20 | Austrian Monarchy | Österreichische Monarchie | |
21 | Upper and Lower Austria, and Salzburg | Ober- und Nieder-Österreich u. Salzburg | |
22 | Bohemia | Böhmen | |
23 | Moravia & Austrian Silesia | Mähren & Österr-Schlesien | |
24 | Styria, Carinthia, Carniola etc. | Steiermark, Kärnthen, Krain pp. | |
25 | Tyrol | Tirol | |
26 | Galicia, Hungary, Transylvania etc. | Galizien, Ungarn, Siebenbürgen pp. | |
27 | Lombardo-Venetian Kingdom | Lombardisch-Venetianisches Königreich | |
28 | The Prussian State and Mecklenburg | Preussischer Staat und Mecklenburg | |
29 | Bavaria | Bayern | |
30 | Wurttemberg and Baden | Württemberg o. Baden | |
31 | Saxony. "Saxon Switzerland" | Sachsen. Sächsischen Schweiz | |
32 | Hanover, Brunswick, Oldenburg and the Hanseatic States | Hannover, Braunschweig, Oldenburg und die Hansestädte | |
33 | Switzerland | Schweiz | |
34 | Brandenburg | Brandenburg | |
35 | Pomerania. Stettin | Pommern. Stettin | |
36 | Silesia | Schlesien | |
37 | Prussia and Posen | Preussen u. Posen | |
38 | Prussian Saxony, and the Thuringian states | Preuss. Prov. Sachsen u. die Thüringischen Staaten | |
39 | The Rhineland, Westphalia, the Hessian territories, Nassau etc.. Frankfurt and its neighbourhood | Rheinland, Westphalien, Hessische Länder, Nassau pp.. Frankfurt und dessen Umgebung | |
(35) | Turkey-in-Asia | Asiatische Türkei | plate number should be 40 but is misprinted as 35 |
41 | Nearer and further India [India and Burma] | Vorder- und Hinter-Indien | |
42 | China and Japan | China und Japan | |
43 | The United States of North America (sheet I) | Vereinigte Staaten von Nordamerika (Blatt I) | Eastern part |
44 | The United States of North America (sheet II) | Vereinigte Staaten von Nordamerika (Blatt II) | Western part |
45 | Mexico and Central America. The isthmus of Panama | Mexico u. Central-Amerika. Der Isthmus von Panama | Shows a Belgian colony between Belize and Honduras |
46 | The West Indies | Westindien | British, French, Spanish, Dutch, Danish, Swedish and Belgian colonies |
47 | Morocco, Algeria and Tunis | Marocco, Algerian und Tunis | |
48 | Egypt and Palestine | Ägypten u. Palästina |
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