Prices of downloadable scanned images from
       Atlas des Erdmagnetismus
       by Gauss & Weber

index numberPlate namesize in pixelskilobytesPrice
0016:0000title page2028x2560195$2
0016:0001Map of the values of V/R. First part.3746x23321423$4
0016:0002Map of the values of V/R. Second and third parts.3814x2151848$4
0016:0003Ideal distribution of magnetism on the earth's surface. First part.3770x2366959$4
0016:0004Ideale Vertheilung des Magnetismus auf der Erdoberfläche. 2te Abtheilung, 3te Abtheilung3905x2372740$4
0016:0005Map of the calculated values of the northward intensity. First part.3762x2346948$4
0016:0006Map of the calculated values of the northward intensity. Second and third parts.4008x2256754$4
0016:0007Map of the calculated values of the westward intensity. First part.3723x2364970$4
0016:0008Map of the calculated values of the westward intensity. Second and third parts.3968x2208833$4
0016:0009Map of the calculated values of the vertical intensity. First part.3748x23321018$4
0016:0010Map of the calculated values of the vertical intensity. Second and third parts.3868x2300735$4
0016:0011Map of the calculated values of the horizontal intensity. First part.3748x2416918$4
0016:0012Map of the calculated values of the horizontal intensity. Second and third parts.3905x2305729$4
0016:0013Map of the calculated values of the declination. First part.3935x2395972$4
0016:0014Map of the calculated values of the declination. Second and third parts.4000x2245736$4
0016:0015Map of the calculated values of the inclination. First part.3736x2352936$4
0016:0016Map of the calculated values of the inclination. Second and third parts.3928x2312786$4
0016:0017Map of the computed values of the total intensity. First part.3956x23401008$4
0016:0018Map of the computed values of the [total] intensity. Second and third parts.3848x2228720$4

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