Prices of downloadable scanned images from
       Europe in the Sixteenth Century
       by A.H.Johnson

index numberPlate namesize in pixelskilobytesPrice
0027:0001Spain, 1494-15983814x22844966$2
0027:0002The Swiss Confederation3393x21315413$2
0027:0003The Netherlands2173x34903565$2
0027:0004Portuguese and Spanish Discoveries3484x18234036$2
0027:0005Italy 1494-15594234x416813619$3
0027:0006France 1494-15984560x414014944$3
0027:0007Germany in 15475954x420824854$3

Main catalogue of downloadable scanned images

See how to buy map images for buying higher-resolution versions of the maps on this site. The automated process no longer works.