Prices of downloadable scanned images from
       Atlas zur Geschichte der sächsischen Länder
       by Max. Moritz Tutzschmann

index numberPlate namesize in pixelskilobytesPrice
0054:0001Uebersicht aller früheren und gegenwärtigen Wettinisch-Sächsischen Länder.7200x590011479$15
0054:0002The Serbian country and the German borders between Saale and Elbe.7200x59006921$15
0054:0003The territories of Konrad of Wettin until 1263 (at the same time map of the Osterlande).7200x590010158$15
0054:0004The territories of Henry the Illustrious until 1424.7200x590012048$15
0054:0006The Saxon countries from 1547 and 1552 until after 1635.7200x590011793$15
0054:0007Albertine Saxony since 1652.7200x590010636$15
0054:0008The Ernestine lands from 1572 to 1672.7200x590010319$15
0054:0009The newer House of Weimar since 1672.7200x590010338$15
0054:0010The House of Gotha since 1680.7200x590011492$15
0054:0011The Margraviate of Upper Lusatia.7200x59009956$15
0054:0012The Margraviate of Lower Lusatia.7200x590010650$15
0054:0013The Electoral Duchy of Saxony.7200x590011408$15
0054:0014The Margraviate of Meissen.7200x59009755$15
0054:0015Pleissner- u, Vogtland u. adjacent areas.5900x720010674$15
0054:0016Northern Thuringia.7200x590010952$15
0054:0017The Landgraviate of Thuringia.7200x590010721$15
0054:0018The Schwarzburg countries.5900x720010153$15
0054:0019The County of Henneberg.7200x590010520$15
0054:0020The former and current Wettin countries according to their present divisions.7200x590011810$15
0054:0021The Catholic Bishoprics of the Saxon Lands before the Reformation.7200x590010660$15
0054:0022The Saxon Protestant dioceses. Countries from the Reformation until the end of the 18th century.7200x590011514$15

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