Map Search (see also Google search of this site)

This page allows you to search for words relating to the maps at The search mechanism can't read the maps – it just searches for words in the titles of the plates and in any comments I have added. For example, you can search for "Sardinia", and "Holy Roman Empire".


Currently, the "free search" works, the "indexed search" does not work.

How to fill in the form


You may use the "Start date" and/or "End date" boxes to set a range for the date shown by the maps searched for. Years A.D. should be given as positive numbers, e.g.1453; years B.C. should be given as negative numbers, e.g.-753;

Indexed search

In the indexed search box, select one or more words and phrases, to do an indexed search for them. Use the control key to select more than one.
Here is a complete list of the search terms: it is of little interest to human readers.

Free search

As well as, or instead of, selecting terms from the list box for an indexed search, you may type one or more words, separated by commas, into the free search box. This search will be more exhaustive but slower. In a free search, words searched for are treated separately, and words of fewer than four letters are ignored; so "age of discovery" is treated as "discovery".

The form

indexed search box:


Start date:
End date:

free search box:

The results

Free search for:
Between dates: -5000 – 2200

180: INSERT INTO searchedby VALUES ( '', '', '-5000', '2200', 'Sat, 08 Feb 25 12:31:53 +0000', '', '', '1739017913' );

231: SELECT volno, plateno, MATCH (platename, foreignname, comments, searchwords) AGAINST ('' IN BOOLEAN MODE) FROM plates WHERE dateat>=-5000 AND dateat<=2200 AND MATCH (platename, foreignname, comments, searchwords) AGAINST ('' IN BOOLEAN MODE) ORDER BY volno ASC, plateno ASC LIMIT 50

266: SELECT top.url, top.title, plates.volno, plates.plateno, plates.platename,, top.comments, plates.language, plates.foreignname, plates.datepub, plates.dateat, rdf98d20369d63d18.count,rdf98d20369d63d18.kws FROM top, plates, rdf98d20369d63d18 WHERE top.volno = plates.volno AND rdf98d20369d63d18.indnum = concat(plates.volno, plates.plateno) ORDER BY rdf98d20369d63d18.count DESC, plates.volno,plates.plateno LIMIT 20

Work titlePlate title
Click below for found map
Original language titlePub.
Words foundVol.