1812, War of Abauj Abbasid Abensberg, battle of Aberdeenshire Aboukir, battle of Abraham Abyssinia Aceh Achaia Acre Acre Territory Act of Settlement Actium Aden Admiralty Isles Adriatic Advertisement Aegean Afghanistan Africa Africa, north Africa, north-west African flags age of discovery Agincourt, battle of Agrigento Ajmere Alagôas Aland Archipelago Alaska Alaska boundary Alb Albania Albert the Degenerate Albertine Albrecht dem Unartigen Albuera, battle of Alemquer Alexander Alexander the Great Alexander's Empire Alexandria Alexandria, battle of Algeria Algier Algiers alliance Alma Almohads Almoravids Alps Alsó-Fehér Alsace Alsace-Lorraine Amazonas America American flags Amiens Anatolia Ancien Régime ancient world Andaman Andaman Islands Andelot Andorra Andreas Bureus Andrusovo, treaty of Anglesey Anglia Monastica Anglo-Dutch Wars Anglo-Saxon Angus Anhalt animals Annam Annex Anno Bon Ansbach Antarctica Antilles Antioch antipodes Antique Antonina bay Antrim Antwerp Antwerp, siege of Apia Bay Apiz Apostle Apostle Paul Aquitaine Arabia Arad Aragon Aram Ararat Arbela Archangel archbishop Archdiocese Arcis-sur-Aube, battle of Arcole, battle of Argentina Argyll Argyllshire Armagh Armenia Arran Árva Ascension Asher Asia Asia minor Asia, east Asia, north Asia, western Asian flags Asiatic Russia Asparuch Aspern Aspern, battle of Assam Assen I Assen II Assur Assyria Astrakhan Asturia Atabeg Atabeg Zengi Athens Atlantic Atlantic basin Atmosphere Attica Auckland Auerstädt, battle of Austerlitz Austerlitz, battle of Australia Australia, south-east Australia, west Australian colonies Australian flags Austria Austria Empire Austria-Hungary Austria, Upper Austrian Austrian Empire Austrian heraldry Austrian medals Austrian Monarchy Austrian Silesia Austrian Succession Austrian Succession, war of Austro-Prussian Avar Ayrshire Azores Bács-Bodrog Báni Békés Babuyanes Babylon Babylonia Backa Badajos, siege of Baden Baetica Baghdad Bahari Bahia Baibars Baireuth Balearic Islands Balkan Balkans Balthasar Baltic Baluchistan Banat Banffshire Bannockburn, battle of Bar Baranya Barbarian Barby, county of Baroda Barossa, battle of Bars Basel Basel, Peace of Basil Basil I Basil II Basque provinces Bataan Batanes Batangas Batavia Bathymetric chart Battle Batu Khan Batum Bautzen, battle of Bavaria Bay of Manila Bayonne, battle of Bedfordshire Beds Begharmi Behaim Belgian America Belgian flags Belgium Belize Belle-Alliance Bello Horizonte Beloochistan Belovár Belvoir Bengal Benguet Benjamin Berar Bereg Beresina Beresina, passage of the Bering Strait Berks Berkshire Berlin Berlino, treaty of Bermuda Bermuda Isles Berwickshire Bessarabia Bessarabian Besztercze-Naszód Bethlehem Bihar Birara Birds Birman Birman Empire births and deaths bishop Bishopric Bithynia Black Country Black Sea Blenheim, battle of Boccage, Pays de Boeotia Boer Wars Bohemia Bohol Bokhara Boleslaw the Brave Bolivia Bombay Bombay island Bontoc Boris Borodino Borodino, battle of Borsod Bosphorus Boston Botanical Boué Boudonitza boundary Bourbon Bouvines, battle of Brétigny Brétigny, treaty of Brabant Brabant, campaign Brandenburg Brandenburg Prussia Brandenburg, Margrave of Brassó Brazil Brecknockshire Brehna Brehna-Wettin Breitenfeld, battle of Bremen Britain Britanny British British Columbia British flags British heraldry British Isles British medals Brittany Brodi Brunswick Bruttia Bucharest, treaty of Buckinghamshire Bucks Buda-Pest Budapest Buddhist Buenos Aires Bulgaria Bulgars Burgos, siege of castle of Burgundy Burma Busaco, battle of Bute Buyid Buyids Byzantine Byzantine Empire Cader Idris Caernarvon Caesar Cagayan Cairo Caithness Calabria Calais Calcutta California Caliph Caliphate Callao Camarines Norte Camarines Sur Cambodia Cambridgeshire Cambs Cameroons Campania Camperdown, battle of Campo Formio, Peace of Campoformio Campoformio, treaty of Canaan Canada Canada, west Canadian Lakes Canaries Canary Isles Candia Cannae canton Cape Cape Colony Cape St. Vincent, battle of Cape Verde Islands Cape-Town Capetown Cappadocia Captivity Cardiganshire Cardis, peace of Caribbean Carinthia Carlow Carmarthenshire Carnarvon, County of Carniola Carolingian Cartagena Carthage Casiquiare Castiglione, battle of Castile Catalonia Catanduanes Catholic Caucamela Caucasus Cavan Cavite Ceará Cebú Celts central America central Asia central Europe central Germany central India central Provinces central Russia Ceylon Chagos Group Champaubert, battle of Channel Channel Islands Charlemagne Charles Charles the Bold Charles the Great Charles V Chatham Che-Kiang Cheshire Children of Israel Chile China China, east Chinese Empire Christ Christian Christiania Christianity circle circles, division of Germany into Cisalpine Gaul Ciudad Rodrigo, battle of Clackmannanshire Clare Clermont climate Clipperton Clothar Clouds Clovis co-ops coalfield Coburg-Saalfeld Cocos Coelesyria Colchis Cologne Cologne, Archbishopric of Colombey-Nouilly Colombia colonies colony Columbia Comitat Venaissin commonwealth Communications Company Congo Congress Congress of Vienna Connaught Consepcion Constantinople Cook Cooks Isles Coorg Copenhagen Copenhagen, battle of Corinth Cork Cornwall Corsica Cortes Corunna, battle of Costa Rica Cotabato Cottesmore Courcelles Courland Crécy, battle of Craone, battle of Crema Crete Crimea Crimean War Croatia Croatians Cromarty Cromartyshire Crozet crusade crusades Csanád Csik Csongrád Culm, battle of cultivated plants Cumans Cumberland Curitiba current currents Cuyabá Cyprus Cyrenaica Czaslau, battle of Dávao Düppeler Dürnkrut and Jedenspeigen, battle of Dacia Dahomey Daimyo Dalmatia Damascus Dan Danish flags Danube Danzig Dappes Dar Saley Dardanelles Darfur David, kingdom of Dawidowitsch Decapolis Deception Dejardin Delphi Delta Denbighshire Denmark Dennewitz, battle of departments depth Derbyshire Desolation Devon Devonshire Diadochi Diezman diocese Diocletian Diospolis discovery Diseases dissolution District of Columbia Dnieper Dobrilugk Doce Dollart Dominica Donegal Dorian Dorset Dorsetshire Doubs Down drainage Dresden Dresden, battle of Dresden, partition of Dublin Dublin (county) Duchies, Ernestine Duchy of Wittenberg Duke of Warsaw Dumbartonshire Dumfriesshire Dunbartonshire Durham Dutch flags Dynasties early Iron Age Earth Earthquakes East India East Indies East Lothian East Riding East Rumelia Easter Eastern Hemisphere Eastern question Eastern Roman Empire Eastern Rumelia ecclesiastical eclipses Ecmühl, battle of Ecuador Edessa Edict of restitution Edinburgh Edward I Eggmühl, battle of Egypt Elam elector Elector Ernst electricity Elgin Elginshire Emigration emperor empire Ems England England and Wales England, Civil War England, geological Ephraim Epirus Equador Erben Erfurt Ernestine Ernestine Line Erzerum Espirito Santo Essex Essling, battle of Estonia Estrecho de Iloílo Esztergom Ethiopia Ethnographical Etna Etruria Euboea Europe Europe, east Europe, south Europe, western European Euxine Exodus expansion exploration Eylau Eylau, battle of Fčre Champenoise, battle Fćroe Isles Falkland Faroes Federal District (Brazil) Federal District (Goyaz) Fehrbellin, battle of Fejér Fennoscandia Ferdinand and Isabella Fermanagh Fernando de Noronha Fernando Po Feudal Fez Fezzan Fife Fiji Finland Finland, lacustrine plateau of Finnish marshes Fiume Flag Flankenstellungen Fleurus, battle of Flint Flintshire flora Florence Florianopolis Florida Fogaras Fontenay, battle of fora Foreign Trade Forest Resources Forfarshire forum France France, northern France, part of Franco-German Franco-Prussian Franco-Prussian War Franco-Spanish War Franconia Frankfurt Frankfurt, peace of Frankish Franz Josef Land Frederick the Belligerent Frederick the Gentle Frederick the Great Frederick the Peace-loving Frederick the Serious Frederick the Strict Freiberger mines Freiburg, battle of Freisland French flags French heraldry French medals French Revolution Friedland Friedland, battle of Friedrich August Friedrich August II Friedrich dem Ernsthaften Friedrich der Friedfertige Friedrich der Sanftmütige Friedrich der Streitbare Friedrich der Strenge Friedrich Tutta Friendly Islands Friendship Friesland Frontier Fuh-Kien Gödöllö, battle of Göllheim, battle of Gömör és Kis-Ho Gad Galapagos Galatia Galicia Gallia Galliarum Gallic Galway Gambier Garden of Eden Gascony Gaul Geneva Genghis Khan Genoa geology George German German Empire German flags German heraldry German medals German orders Germania Sacra Germanicus Germans Germany Germany flags Germany, north-west Germany, northern Germany, religions Germany, southern Germany, unification of Gerona, siege of Ghassanids Ghaznavid Ghaznavid Empire Ghurids Gibraltar Gitschin Giza Glamorganshire Glasgow globe Gloucestershire Gloucs Gniezno Gold Coast Golden Horde Golymin Goths Gotland Goyaz Gradiskai Graham-Town Granada Grandson, battle of Granville Gravelotte-St. Privat Great Britain Great Lakes Greece Greek Greek flags Greenland Greenland, eastern settlement Grisons Groitsch-Rochlitz Gross Beeren, battle of Gross-Görschen growth growth of Prussia Guînes, county of Guadeloupe Guatemala Guatimala Guelf Guiana Guinea Gulf of Finland Gustavus Vasa Guyana Guyenne Györ Háromszék Habsburg Habsburg territories Haddingtonshire Hadrian Hadrian's wall Hagelberg Haiderabad Hajdu Halicarnassus Hamburg Hamburg-Bremen, archdiocese Hamina Hampshire Hanau, battle of Hanko Hannibal Hannover Hanover Hanse Hanseatic Hanseatic States Hants Harris Havana Hawaii heathen heavens Heilsburg, battle of Heinola Heinrich der Erlauchte Heligoland Hellespont Helsinki hemisphere hemisphere, western hemispheres Henneberg, county of Henry the Illustrious Henry the Lion Heptanomis Herefordshire Herodotus Herrschaft of Weissenfels Hertfordshire Herts Hervey Isles Hesse Hessen Hessian territories Heves Hideyoshi Hildburghausen Hindu Hiwaoa Hochkirch, battle of Hohenfriedberg, battle of Hohenlinden, battle of Hohenstaufen Hohenstaufens Hohenzollern Holland Holstein Holy Land Holy Roman Empire Homer Honduras Hong Kong Honolulu Hont House of Lancaster Huguenots Humboldt Hungary Huntingdonshire Hunyad hydraulics hydrographical hyetographic hypsometry Iberia ice Iceland Iconium Ieyasu Ifriqiya Iisalmi Ilkhanate Illyria Illyrici Iloílo Ilocos imperial deputation imperial forum Independence, War of independent Tartary India Indian Territories Indo-China industry Infanta Inkerman invasions Inverness-shire Invernesshire Ionia Ionian Islands Ionian Islands flag Iran Iraq Irby Ireland Isabela Isaszeg, battle of Ishida Isla Batac Isla de Balábag Isla de Basilan Isla de Bohol Isla de Busuanga Isla de Dumarán Isla de Guimarás Isla de Mactan Isla de Panaón Isla de Siquijor Isla Laguán Isla Palaui Isla Panglao Isla Tawi Tawi Isla Volcan Islam Islay Isle of Ely Isle of Man Isle of Wight Isles Isotherm Isothermal Lines isotherms Israel Issachar Issus Italia Italian flags Italy Italy, north Italy, northern Italy, south Italy, upper Ithaca Jász-Nagy-Kun-Szolnok Jägersdorf, battle of Jagiellons Jamaica Jan Mayen Jankau, battle of Japan Java Jemappes, battle of Jena, battle of Jerusalem Jews Joensuu Johann Friedrich der Großmütige Johann Georg I John Frederick the Generous John George I Joló Juan de Fuca Juan Fernandez Judaea Judah Judea Jura Justinian Jyväskylä Kápolna, battle of Königgrätz Königgrätz, battle of Königsberg Körös Käkisalmi Kabinda Kabul river Kaffir Wars Kajaani Kalmar Kalmar, Union of Kalojan Kantschoff Karinthia Karl Kars Kashmir Kaskö Katzbach Katzbach, battle of Kazan Keeling Isles Kemi Kent Kenya Kerguelen Kerry Kesselsdorf, battle of Kesteven Khiva Khwarezm Khwarizm Kichineff Kiel Kiepert Kiev Kildare Kilimanjaro Kiliya Kilkenny Killarney Kincardineshire Kings County Kingsmill Kinross-shire Kinrossshire Kirkcudbrightshire Kis-Küküllo Kleomenic War Knights, Teutonic Kokkola Kollin, battle of Kolozs Komárom Konrad the Great Kordofan Korea Kotka Krasnoi, battle of Krassó Krbava, diocese of Kreis Kristiinankaupunki Krum Kublai Khan Kunersdorf, battle of Kuopio Kurland Kymmene river La Favourite, affair of La Guaira La Laguna La Plata La Rothičre, battle of La Valetta Lützen, battle of Ladoga Ladoga, lake Ladrones Laens Lagoinha Laguna de Bombon Lahti Lakadive Islands Lake Päijänne Lake Trasimene Lanark Lanarkshire Lancashire Lancaster Lancs Landsberg Landsberg, Margravate of Languages Languages, Indian Languedoc Laoighis Laois Laon, battle of Laos Lappeenranta Late Iron Age Lateran Latin latin lordships Latium Lauenburg layout League League of Rhine Lebanon Leicestershire Leics Leinster Leipzig Leipzig, battle of Leipzig, partition of Leitrim Leix Lejean Leon Lepanto Leuctra Leuthen, battle of Lewis Leyte liberation, war of Liegnitz, battle of Life Assurance Lighthouses Ligny Ligny, battle of Lika-Otocsáni Lille, siege of Lima Limburg Limerick Lincolnshire Lincs Lindsey Linlithgowshire Liptó Lisbon List of hunts Lithuania Liverpool environs Livonia Llivia Loa Lobositz, battle of Lodi Lodi, Peace of Lombard Lombard kingdom Lombardo-Venetian Kingdom Lombardy Lomond Lonato, battle of London London, county of Londonderry Longford Lorraine Lothar Lotharingia Louis XI Louis XIV Louth Lovisa Low Archipelago Lower Austria Lower Bengal lower Danube Lower Egypt Loyalty Lublin Lublin, Union of Lucca Ludwig Lunéville Lunéville, Peace of Lutzen, battle of Luxembourg Luxemburg Luzón Lycia Lydia Mühlberg, battle of Mühldorf, battle of Münster Macedonia Maceió Madagascar Madeira Madras Magdeburg, battle of Magenta Magenta, battle of Maghreb magnetism Mahon Maine Maine boundary Mainz, Archbishopric of Malay States Malaya Maldive Islands Malo-Jaroslawitz, battle of Malplaquet, battle of Malta Mameluke Mamluk mammals mammiferous Manáos Manasseh Manchester environs Manila Manipur Mantinea Mantua, siege of Maranhăo Maratha war Marathon Marchfeld, battle of Marengo, battle of Marhanquilla Mariana Island Mariehamn Maritima Mark Marksuhl-Eisenach Marmara Marmara, sea of Marmaros Marocco Maros-Torda Marquesas Marshalls Islands Martinique Masbate Matthias Corvinus Matto Grosso Mauna Maupertuis, battle of Mauretania Mauritius Maxen, battle of Mayo Mearns Meath Mecca mechanics Mecklenburg Media Medina Medina de Rio-Seco, battle of Mediterranean Medola, battle of Meissen Meissen, bishopric of Melbourne Memel memoire Mendańa Menuthias Mercator's Projection Mercia Merionethshire Merovingian Merovingians Merseburg, bishopric of Merwara Mesopotamia Messina Meteorological Meteorology Metz Metz, fall of Mexico Mexico City Michigan Middlesex Midlothian migration Mikkeli Milan Militia Minas Geraes Mindanao Mindanao occidental Mindanao oriental Mindelheim Mindoro mining Misamis Misr Mittelmark Modena Moesia Mohacs, battle of Mohammaden Mohi, battle of Moldavia Mollwitz, battle of Monaco Monaghan monasteries Mongol Mongolia Mongols Monmouthshire Montenegro Montevideo Montgomeryshire Montmirail, battle of moon Moon, phases of Moravia Moray Morayshire Morea Moriah Morocco Morong mortality mortality, general Moscow Mosell, campaign Moson Mosul Mount Athos Mount Thabor, battle of mountains Muir-Mackensie Mull Munster Murten, battle of Muslim Mutiny, Indian Mycenae Mysore Mysore war Nördlingen, battle of Nógrád Naantali Nachod Nagasaki harbour Nagy-Küküllo Nairn Nairnshire Nakasendo Nancy, battle of Naphtali Naples Napoleon Nassau Natal Naumburg, bishopric of Navarre Navigation Navigator Islands Neerwinden, battle of Negros Nepal Netherlands Neustadt New Britain New Brunswick New Caledonia New Foundland New Grenada New Guinea New Ireland New South Wales New York New Zealand New-York Newfoundland Niagara Nicaea Nicaragua Nicobar Nicobar Islands Niederlausitz Niger Nigritia Nikolainkaupunki Nile Nile Delta Nile, battle of Nineveh Nivelle, battle of Nizhni-Novgorod Noah Norfolk Noricum Norman Norman conquest Normandy North America North Palawan north polar North Riding North Sea north-east Russia North-west Frontier north-west passage North-West Province Northamptonshire Northants Northern War Northumberland Norway Nottinghamshire Notts Nova Scotia Novara, battle of Novaya Zemlya Novgorod Novi, battle of Novia Scotia Nubia Nueva Ecija Nueva Vizcaya Nuka-Hiva Nuremberg Nyitra Nystad, treaty of Oberlausitz Obidos Ocańa, battle of ocean Oceania Ochrida Oculin-Szluini Odessa Odoacer Offaly Oklahoma old world Olympia Ommayad Omortag Ontario optics orbit orbits Orient Orientis Orinoco Orissa Orkney orographical Orthes, battle of Osaka Oslo Ostend, siege of Osterland Ostrogoths Oswiecim Otaheite Otdia Otto Otto the Great Ottoman Ottoman Empire Oudenard, battle of Oudh Oulu Oxfordshire Oxon oxygen Oye, county of Pétérvaradi Pacific Pagopago Palamares Palaos Palatinate Palatine Pale Palermo Palestine Pamphylia Panama Panama, isthmus of Panay Pangasinan Pannonia Papal States Pará Paradise Paragua Paraguay Parahyba Parahyba River Paraná Paranaguá bay Paris Paris, 2nd battle of Paris, battle of Paris, peace of Paris, treaty of parliament parliamentary parliamentary elections Parma Parnahyba partition Passarowitz, treaty of patriarchates Paul Paulo Affonso Pavia peasant movements peat bogs Pechenegs Peebles Peebleshire Peeblesshire Peking Pelew Island Peloponnese Peloponnesian Peloponnesian war Pembrokeshire Pendulum Peninsular War Pennsylvania Pepin the short Perim Pernambuco Persepolis Persia Persian Empire Perth Perthshire Peru Pest-Pilis-Solt-Kis-Kun Peter Peter the Great Petropolis Petsamo Peutinger Peutinger Table Phases Philip Philippines Phoenicia physical Piacenza Piauhy Piedmont Pietersaari Piraeus Pirna, battle of Pitcairn planets Plantagenet plantation plants Plataea Pleissnerland Plevna pneumatics Po Poitiers Poitiers, battle of Poland Poland, Catholics Poland, partitiions Poland, partition Poland, partitions Poles Polillo Polynesia Pomerania Pompeii Pont-Chateau Pontus population density population statistics population, rural Pori Portugal Portuguese Discoveries Portuguese flags Porvoo Posen Pozsega Pozsony Prag Prague, battle of Prague, peace of pre-Norman prequaternary Pressiam pretenders Preussisch-Eylau, battle of prince Prince of Saxony princely Princes Island Principe Procčs Verbal Protestant province provinces Prussia Prussian heraldry Prussian medals Prussian Saxony Prusso-Danish Ptolemy Puerto Cabello Puerto de Palanog Puerto Rico Pultusk Pultusk, battle of Punjab pyramid pyramids Pytchley Quadrilateral quaternary Quatre Bras, battle of Quatre-Bras, battle of Quebec Queens County Quorn Réunion Raahe race races racial Radnorshire Raetia rain Rajputana Ramillies, battle of rapids Rauma Recife Recife Olinda Reclus reform bill Reformation Reggio Reich Reichsdeputationshauptschluss religion religions Renfrew Renfrewshire reptiles Republican Republican forum Reuben Revolution Rhineland Riga Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro bay Rio de Janeiro Province Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Sul Rio Negro risorgimento Rivers Rivoli, battle of rocks, igneous rocks, metamorphic rocks, sedimentary Rodrigue Roman Roman Britain Roman Empire Roman forum Romania Romanov Romanzoff Group Romblón Rome Roscommon Roskilde, peace of Ross Ross-shire Rossbach, battle of Rossshire Roxburgh Roxburghshire Ruhr gebiet Rum Rumania Russia Russia in Asia Russia in Europe Russia, European Russia, south Russia, south-west Russia, west Russian Russian Baltic Russian flags Russian heraldry Russian medals Russo-Japanese War Rutland Rutlandshire Ruys S. Francisco River Sáros Săo Paulo Saal Valley Saarbrücken-Spichern Saarbrücker Sabanilla Sabine Sabine region Sacra Said Saladin Salamanca, battle of Salamis Salian salinity Salomon Islands Salona Salop Saluafata Salvador Salzburg Samar Samara Samoa Samuel San Francisco Sandwich Islands Santa Catharina Santa Cruz Island Santa Lucia Santa Marta Santarem Santiago Saragossa, siege of Saratov Sarawak Sardinia Sassanid empire Saturn Savenay savings banks Savonlinna Savoy Sax Saxe-Wettin Saxon Saxon Switzerland Saxony Saxony, Electoral Saxony, electorate of Scandinavia Scarborough range Schöner Schafarik Schanzen Schellenberg Schleswig Schleswig Holstein Schmalkaldic War schools, rural Schwiednitz, battle of Sclavania Sclavonia Scotland sea colour seas, British seasons Second Coalition, War of secularisations Sedan Sedan, battle of Sekigahara Selenographic Seljuk Seljuks Selkirkshire Sellasia Senegambia Serbia Sergipe Settlement Sevastopol Seven Year's War Seven Years Seven Years' War Seychelle Shanghai Shetland shipping Shrops Shropshire Siam Siberia Sibuyán Sicily Sierra Leone Silesia Silesia, Upper Silesian Simeon Sinai Singapore Skalitz Skye Slave Coast Sligo Smolensko, battle of Smyrna Snowdon Socotra solar system Solferino Solferino, battle of Solomon, Temple of Somerset Somersetshire Somogy Sonderbund Soor, battle of Sopron Sorsogon Sortavala Soudan South Africa South America South Australia South Palawan south polar South Sea South Uist south-Eastern Europe south-west Germany Spain Spanish American War Spanish Discoveries Spanish flags Sparta Spitzbergen St. Croix St. George, affair of St. Helena St. Jean d'Acre, siege of St. Paul St. Petersburg St. Sebastian, siege of St. Stefano, treaty of St. Thomas Staffordshire Staffs stars state forests Staufen Staufer Stefan Dušan Stenby, peace of Stettin Stewartry of Kirkcudbright Stirlingshire Stockach, battle of Stockholm stone Age Strabo Strait of S. Juanico Strassburg Strassburg, fall of Styria Suburbicarian Sudan, Anglo-Egyptian Suevi Suez canal Suffolk summer campaign sun Sundgau Surigao Surrey Surry Susa Susiana Sussex Sutherland Svealand Swabia Sweden Sweden, south Swedish flags Swiss Swiss Confederation Switzerland Sword, knights of Sydney Synvet Syracuse Syria Szörény Szabolcs Szatmár Szeben Szepes Szerém Szilágy Szolnok-Doboka Tablas Table Tahiti Talavera de la Reyna, battle of Tamerlane Tammisaari Tampere Tarascon Tarentum Tarragona, siege of Tartary Tasmania Tavastehus Tayabas telegraphs telephones Telugu Temes temperature Tenerife Terra S. Benedicti Territories Terwel Teutoburger Wald Texas Thüringer Wald Thailand Thebes Theoderic the great Theoderich Theodoric Theodosius Thera Thermopylae Thimo Third Coalition, wars of third partition Thirteen Colonies Thirty Years War Thirty Years' War Thrace Thuringia Thuringia, landgravate of Thuringian states Tibet Ticao tide tides Tiflis Tilsit Timur Tinnevelly Tipperary Tokaido Tokyo Tolna Tombara Tonga Tonga-Tabou Island Torda-Aranyos Torgau, battle of Torna Tornio Torontál Torres Vedras, lines of Toulon, siege of Toulouse, battle of Tournay, battle of Tours Trafalgar, battle of Transylvania Trasimene Trautenau Travancore travels Trebbia, battle of Treffurt Trencsén Trent tribe Trier Trier, Archbishopric of Trinidade Island Trinidade Isles Tripoli Tristan d'Acunha Isles Tristan da Cunha Trondheim Trossachs Troy Tscherkassky tuberculosis Tudor Tudors Tula Tunis Turócz Turan Turco-Russian Turcoing, battle of Turin Turkestan Turkey Turkey in Asia Turkey in Europe Turkey-in-Asia Turkey, European Turkish flags Turku Turku Archipelago Tuscany Twelve tribes Tyne Ports Tyre Tyrol Tyrone Udbina, diocese of Udvarhely Ugocsa Ulm Ulm, capitulation of Ulster Umayyads Ummayad Ummayads Ung United Netherlands United States United States, western universities Uruguay Utrecht Utrecht, peace of Utrecht, treaty of Utrecht, Union of Uusikaarlepyy Uusikaupunki Valée des Dappes Valetta Valparaiso Valtellina, battle of Valtelline Van Dieman's Land Van Diemans Land Van Diemen Van Diemen's Land Vancouver Vancouver Island Vandals Vanikoro Island Varasd Varna Varna, battle of Vas vascular plants Vauchamps, battle of Vaud vegetation Vendée Venezuela Venice Venus Vera-Cruz Veröcze Verdun Vermont Verona vertebrates Veszprém Victoria Vienna Vienna, congress of village Vimeira, battle of Vionville-Mars-La-Tour Virgin Islands Visconti Visigoth Visigoths Viti Vitoria, battle of Voigtland Volcan Mayón volcanoes Volga Germans von Hahn Vorarlberg Vostani voyage Wörth Wörth, battle of Württemberg Wagram, battle of Wales Wales, north Wales, south Wallachia Warks Warsaw Warsaw, duchy of Warwickshire Washington waterfalls Waterford Waterloo Waterloo, battle of Wavre, battle of Weissenburg Wessex West Indies West Riding Westlothian Westmeath Westmoreland Westmorland Westphalia Westphalia, Peace of Wettin Wexford White Mountain, battle of Wicklow Wight Wigtownshire Wiipuri Wilhemshaven Wilts Wiltshire Wimpfen, battle of wind winds Winter Campaign Wittelsbach Wittenberg, capitulation of Wittstock, battle of Worcestershire Worcs world Wynendale Yathrib Yorck Yorks Yorkshire Yorkshire manufacturing district Yorkshire, East Riding Yorkshire, North Riding Yorkshire, West Riding Yoruba Zágráb Zólyon Zach Zadar, diocese of Zagreb, diocese of Zala Zalacca Zamboanga Zanzibar Zara, diocese of Zator Zebulon Zeitz Zemplén Zengi, atabeg Zetland Zips zodiac Zollverein Zoological Zorndorf, battle of Zurich Zurich, battle of Zurich, treaty of Zwinglian This is a list of the indexed search terms for map searches at maproom.org.