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Index no. 0004
This page links to scans of the maps from the 1905 (29th) and 1914 (37th) editions of F. W. Putzgers Historischer Schul-Atlas. The rows with grey backgounds link to plates from the 1905 edition, which are unchanged in the 1914 edition. The rows with white backgrounds link to plates from the 1914 edition, which are absent from or different in the 1905 edition.
Plate number | Titelblatt, Deutsch | Title of plate, in English | comments |
Zur Geschichte des Altertums | History of ancient times | ||
tp | Titelblatt | title page | |
1 | Palästina | Palestine | Same as 1905 edition |
1b | Reisen des Apostels Paulus | Travels of the Apostle Paul | Same as 1905 edition |
2 | Die Alte Welt. Westlicher Teil | The Old World. Western part | Same as 1905 edition |
2b | Ägypten. Assyrien | Egypt. Assyria | Same as 1905 edition |
3a | Peutingersche Tafel. Kelten. Nordwestafrika | The Peutinger Table. Celts. North-west Africa | Same as 1905 edition |
3 | Die Alte Welt, östlicher Teil | The old world, eastern part. | Same as 1905 edition |
4 | Kleinasien | Asia minor | Different from 1905 edition |
4b | Griechenland beim Beginne des Peloponnesischen Krieges. Propontis. Troja. | Greece at the start of the Peloponnesian wars. The Sea of Marmara. Troy. | New since 1905 edition |
5a | Der Orient um 600 und 500 v. Chr | The east around 600-500 B.C. | Not in 1914 edition |
5 | Reich Alexanders des Großen | The empire of Alexander the Great | Same as 1905 edition |
5b | Issus. | Issus. | New since 1905 edition |
6 | Griechenland. Nördlicher Teil | Greece. Northern part | Same as 1905 edition |
6b | Attika. Olympia | Attica. Olympia | Same as 1905 edition |
7a | Griechische Stämme. Thermopylae | Greek tribes. Thermopylae | Same as 1905 edition |
7 | Griechenland. Südlicher Teil | Greece. Southern part | Same as 1905 edition |
7b | Wachstum Macedoniens unter Philipp II. | The growth of Macedonia under Philip II. | New since 1905 edition |
8a | Republikanisches Forum. Kaiserfora | Republican forum. Imperial fora | Same as 1905 edition |
8 | Rom. Athen | Rome. Athens | Two lower maps slightly changed from 1905 edition |
9a | Kleinasien unter den Römern | Asia minor under the Romans | Same as 1905 edition |
9 | Entwicklung des Römischen Reiches | Expansion of Roman rule | Same as 1905 edition |
9b | Hannibals Alpenübergang. Aktium. | Hannibal's crossing of the Alps. Actium | Same as 1905 edition |
10a | Cannae (nach älterer und jüngerer Auffassung) | Cannae (earlier and later views) | New since 1905 edition |
10 | Italien, nördlicher Teil | Italy, northern part | Same as 1905 edition |
10b | Latium. Kampanien | Latium. Campania | Same as 1905 edition |
11a | Trasimenischer See. Rom und Italien bis 218 v. Chr | Lake Trasimene. Rome and Italy to 218 A.D. | Same as 1905 edition |
11 | Italien. Südlicher Teil | Italy. Southern part | Same as 1905 edition |
11b | Gallien bei der Ankunft Cäsars. | Gaul on the eve of Caesar's conquest | New since 1905 edition |
12a | Varusschlacht. Feldzüge des Germanicus | Germanicus' defeat | New since 1905 edition |
12 | Europäische Provinzen des Römischen Reiches | European provinces of the Roman Empire | Same as 1905 edition |
Zur Geschichte des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit | History of the middle ages and modern times | Same as 1905 edition | |
13a | Zur Völkerwanderung | Migrations | Same as 1905 edition |
13 | Europa am Ende der Völkerwanderung | Europe at the end of the migrations | Same as 1905 edition |
13b | Christentum ca. 814. Religionen ca. 1100 | Christianity c 814. Religions c 1100 | Same as 1905 edition |
14a | Wachsen des Frankenreiches | Growth of the Frankish kingdoms | Same as 1905 edition |
14 | Mitteleuropa zur Zeit der Karolinger | Central Europe at the time of the Carolingians | Same as 1905 edition |
14b | Bevölkerung. Mitteleuropas um 895 | Peoples. Central Europe around 895 | Same as 1905 edition |
15a | Ostdeutsche Kolonisation | Settlement of Germans in the East | Same as 1905 edition |
15 | Deutschland zur Zeit der sächsischen und fränkischen Kaiser | Germany at the time of the Saxon and Frankish emperors | Same as 1905 edition |
15b | Typen von Dorfanlagen | Types of village layout | Same as 1905 edition |
16 | Mittelmeerländer zur Zeit der Kreuzzüge | Mediterranean lands at the time of the crusades | Same as 1905 edition |
16b | Mongolenreiche | The Mongol Empire. | New since 1905 edition |
17a | Nord- und Ostseeherrschaft I/II | North Sea and Baltic kingdoms I/II | Same as 1905 edition |
17 | Mittel- und Westeuropa zur Zeit der Staufer | Central and western Europe in Staufer times | Same as 1905 edition |
17b | Nord- und Ostseeherrschaft III | North Sea and Baltic kingdoms III | Same as 1905 edition |
18a | Nord- und Ostseeherrschaft IV | North Sea and Baltic kingdoms IV | Same as 1905 edition |
18 | Deutschland und Oberitalien im 14. Jahrhundert (1378) | Germany and upper Italy in the 14th century (1378) | Same as 1905 edition |
18b | Die großen Fürstenhäuser IIa | The great princely houses, IIa | Same as 1905 edition |
19a | Die großen Fürstenhäuser Iib/III | The great princely houses, IIb/III | Same as 1905 edition |
19 | Deutschland und Oberitalien im 15. Jahrhundert (1477) | Germany and upper Italy in the 15th century (1477) | Same as 1905 edition |
19b | Die großen Fürstenhäuser IV. Europa am Ende des 14. Jahrh | The great princely houses, IV. Europe at the end of the 14th century | Same as 1905 edition |
20 | Europa im 16. Jahrhundert (1559) | Europe in the 16th century (1559) | Same as 1905 edition |
21 | Deutschland zur Zeit der reformation (1547) | Europe at the time of the Reformation (1547) | Same as 1905 edition |
21b | Vorschreiten Frankreichs nach Osten | The expansion of France to the east | Same as 1905 edition |
22a | Die elsässischen und lothringischen Territorien um 1648. | Alsace and Lorraine in 1648. | New since 1905 edition |
22b | Kriegszusammenhänge I (1618-1660) | War alliances I (1618-1660) | 22a in 1905 edition |
22 | Deutschland im 17. Jahrhundert (1648) | Germany in the 17th century (1648) | Same as 1905 edition |
23a | Kriegszusammenhänge II (1672-1699) | War alliances II (1672-1699) | 22b in 1905 edition |
23b | Kriegszusammenhänge III (1700-1721) | War alliances III (1700-1721) | 23a in 1905 edition |
23 | Europa im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert (1740) | Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries (1740) | Same as 1905 edition |
24a | Kriegszusammenhänge IV (1740-1763) | War alliances IV (1740-1763) | 23b in 1905 edition |
24b | Die schlesischen Kriege | The Silesian war [the war of the Austrian Succession] | 24a in 1905 edition |
24 | Europa im 18. Jahrhundert (1786) | Europe in the 18th century (1786) | Same as 1905 edition |
25a | Schlachtpläne des Siebanjährigen Krieges | Battle plans of the Seven Years' War | 24b in 1905 edition |
25 | Schweden. Rußland. Polen. Orientalische Frage | Sweden. Russia. Poland. The Eastern question | Same as 1905 edition |
25b | Die großen Friedensschlüsse I (1648-1721) | The great peace treaties (1648-1721) | Same as 1905 edition |
26a | Die großen Friedensschlüsse II (1735-1812) | The great peace treaties (1735-1812) | Same as 1905 edition |
26 | Napoleonische Zeit. I | The time of Napoleon. I | Same as 1905 edition |
26b | Kriegszusammenhänge V (1788-1815) | War alliances V (1788-1815) | Same as 1905 edition |
27a | Schlachtpläne der Napoleonischen Zeit | Battle plans of Napoleon's time | Same as 1905 edition |
27 | Napoleonische Zeit. II: Deutscland im Jahre 1812 | The time of Napoleon. II: Germany in 1812 | Same as 1905 edition |
27b | Befreiungskrieg I (1813) | War of liberation I (1813) | Same as 1905 edition |
28a | Befreiungskrieg II (1814) | War of liberation II (1814) | Same as 1905 edition |
28 | Deutschland 1815 bis 1866 | Germany from 1815 to 1866 | Same as 1905 edition |
28b | Zusammenschluß der deutschen Staaten zum Reiche I | Unification of the German states, I | Same as 1905 edition |
29a | Zusammenschluß der deutschen Staaten zum Reiche II | Unification of the German states, II | Same as 1905 edition |
29 | Völkerkarte von Mittel- und Südosteuropa. Italien 1815 bis zur Gegenwart | Racial map of central and South Europe. Italy from 1815 to the present day. | Same as 1905 edition |
29b | Karten zu den deutschen Einheitskriegen I | Map of the wars of German unification I [Prusso-Danish war] | Same as 1905 edition |
30a | Karten zu den deutschen Einheitskriegen II | Map of the wars of German unification II [Austro-Prussian war] | Same as 1905 edition |
30 | Karten zu den deutschen Einheitskriegen | Map of the wars of German unification [Franco-Prussian war] | Same as 1905 edition |
31 | Entwickelung Preußens I | Growth of Prussia. I | Same as 1905 edition |
32 | Entwickelung Preußens II | Growth of Prussia. II | Same as 1905 edition |
33 | Bayern I: Bayern 1777 | Bavaria I: Bavaria 1777 | Same as 1905 edition |
34 | Bayern II. Baden 1771 | Bavaria II. Baden 1771 | Same as 1905 edition |
35 | Württemberg 1789 | Wuerttemberg 1789 | Same as 1905 edition. See also a small map from this plate showing "Württemberg seit 1495", animated by javascript. |
36 | Wettinische Lands | Wettin lands | Same as 1905 edition |
37 | Nordwestdeutschland 1789 | North-west Germany 1789 | Same as 1905 edition. See also a version of this plate using transparent overlays to show the contemporary states. |
38 | Osmanisches Reich | Ottoman Empire | Same as 1905 edition |
38b | Kolonialkarte II (1660) | Colonial map II (1660) | Same as 1905 edition |
39a | Kolonialkarte III (1790) | Colonial map III (1790) | Same as Plate 39b in 1915 edition. |
39 | Das Zeitalter der Entdeckungen | The age of discovery | Same as 1905 edition |
39b | Kolonialkarte IV (1884) | Colonial map IV (1884) | Same as Plate 39a in 1915 edition. |
40a | Kolonialkarte V (1900) | Colonial map V (1900) | Same as 1905 edition |
40 | Zentral- und Ostasien. Nordamerika | Central and east Asia. North America | Same as 1905 edition |
40b | Aufteilung. Afrika | The partition of Africa | Same as 1905 edition |
You can buy higher-resolution versions of the scans listed here, see price list.