Index no. 0048
In the first Balkan War of 1912-13, Bulgaria, Serbia, Montenegro and Greece attacked
the Ottoman Empire and seized most of its European territories. However they fell out
over dividing the spoils, leading to the second Balkan War of 1913, in which Bulgaria
lost much of its recently-gained territory, and more, to Serbia, Romania, Greece, and
In 1914, the First World War broke out. Bulgaria was once more at war, this time allied
with Turkey, Austria-Hungary and Germany, and fighting against Serbia and Montenegro.
This work was published in Germany, in 1917. Although it appears to be a scholarly work
on the history and ethnography of Bulgaria and neighbouring regions, it is not surprising
to see that it favours Germany's ally Bulgaria, and is critical of Germany's enemy Serbia.
Of most interest are the ethnographic maps, plates 15-30, which are all copied from
different works. The sources copied are British, Bulgarian, Czech, French, German,
Russian and Serbian. As might be expected, they differ in the ethnographical data
presented, particularly in the region of Macedonia.
Below each plate, I reproduce as text the English text which accompanies the map on its
facing page. I have not preferred the English because it is the original; it is clearly
not, it is imperfectly translated from German, as seen from the
text for plate 20. I have preferred the English only
because I can type it much more easily than the other languages. Scholars are encouraged
to refer to the original texts, which are provided as scans.
Plate no. | Plate title, English | Plate title as on plate |
1 | Europe at the time of the Carolingians. | Europa zur Zeit der Karolinger |
2-5 | South Eastern Europe c. 910, 1000, 1180, 1210 | |
6 | Bulgaria at the time of Asparuch and Terwel | Bulgarien zur Zeit des Asparuch und Terwel |
7 | Bulgaria at the time of Krum and Omortag | Bulgarien zur Zeit des Krum und Omurtag |
8 | Bulgaria at the time of Pressiam and Boris | Bulgarien zur Zeit des Pressiam und Boris |
9 | Bulgaria at the time of Simeon and Peter | Bulgarien zur Zeit des Simeon und Peter |
10 | Bulgaria at the time of Samuel | Bulgarien zur Zeit des Samuel |
11 | The Patriarchate of Ochrida | Das Patriarchat von Ochrida |
12 | Bulgaria at the time of Assen I and Kalojan | Bulgarien zur Zeit des Assen I. und Kalojan |
13 | Bulgaria at the time of Assen II | Bulgarien zur Zeit des Assen II |
14 | Bulgaria after 1355 | Bulgarien nach 1355 |
15 | Schafarik's Ethnological Map (1842) | Slovanský Zeměvid |
16 | The Ethnological Map by Ami Boué | Ethnographische Karte des Osmanischen Reichs eüropäischen Theils und von Griechenland |
17 | The Ethnological Map by Dawidowitsch (1848) | Ӡемлѣ у коима пребиваю Србльи |
18 | The Ethnological Map by Professor Dejardin (1853) | Србія ... |
19 | The Ethnological Map by Lejean (1861) | Carte Ethnographique de la Turquie d'Europe et des Etats vassaux autonomes |
20 | The Ethnological Map by von Hahn and Zach (1861) | Croquis des westlichen Gebietes der Bulgarischen Morava |
21 | The Russian Ethnological Map (1867) | Этнографнҷеская Карта... |
22 | The Ethnological Map by Muir-Mackensie and Irby (1867)
Map of the South Slavonic Countries | |
23 | The Ethnological Map by Professor Erben (1868) | Mapa Slovanského Světa |
24 | The Ethnological Map by Elisée Reclus (1876) | Populations de la Turquie d'Europe |
25 | The Ethnological Map by Kiepert (1876) | Ethnographische Übersicht des Europäischen Orients |
26 | The Ethnological Map by Synvet (1877) | Carte Ethnographique de la Turquie d'Europe |
27 | The Ethnological Map by Sax (1877) | Ethnographische Karte der Europäischen Türkei und ihrer Dependenzen zu Anfang des Jahres 1877 |
28 | The Ethnological Map by the Slavic beneficent Society of Petrograd (1890) | Карта Славянскихъ Народностей |
29 | The Ethnological Map by Kantschoff (1900) | Етнографическа Карта на македония
30 | The Ethnological Map by the Bulgarian Professors (1915) | Das Bulgarentum auf der Balkanhalbinsel im Jahre 1912 |
31 | The Bulgarian Exarchate (1870-1912) | Das Gebiet des bulgarischen Exarchat |
32 | Bulgaria according to the European Conference at Constantinople (1876-1877)
(map from British parliamentary paper) | |
33 | Bulgaria according to Prince Tscherkassky (1877) | Bulgarien nach dem Vorschlahe des Prinzen Tscherkaski |
34 | Bulgaria according to the Treaty of St. Stefano (1878)
A Map to illustrate Articles I. III. VI. of the Treaty of Peace Signed at San Stefano February 19, 1878 | |
35 | Bulgaria according to the Treaty of Berlin (1878) | Die neuen Grenzen auf der Balkan-Halbinsel |
36 | The Union of the two Bulgarias (1885) | Die Vereinigung beider Bulgarien (1885) |
37 | The Map of the "Disputed Teritory" (1912) | Ligne de Partage d'après la carte annexée au Traité d'Alliance |
38 | The Balkan Map after the War against Turkey in 1912-191 | Die Balkanhalbinsel nach dem Krieg mit der Turkei in den Jahren 1912-1913 |
39 | Bulgaria after the Treaty of Bucharest (1913) | Bulgarien nach dem Bukarester Vertrag (1913) |
40 | Bulgaria in the year 1915 | Bulgarien im Jahre 1915 |
1t | German, English, French, Bulgarian text for map 1 | |
2t-5t | German, English, French, Bulgarian text for maps 2-5 | |
6t | German, English, French, Bulgarian text for map 6 | |
7t | German, English, French, Bulgarian text for map 7 | |
8t | German, English, French, Bulgarian text for map 8 | |
9t | German, English, French, Bulgarian text for map 9 | |
10t | German, English, French, Bulgarian text for map 10 | |
11t | German, English, French, Bulgarian text for map 11 | |
12t | German, English, French, Bulgarian text for map 12 | |
13t | German, English, French, Bulgarian text for map 13 | |
14t | German, English, French, Bulgarian text for map 14 | |
15t | German, English, French, Bulgarian text for map 15 | |
16t | German, English, French, Bulgarian text for map 16 | |
17t | German, English, French, Bulgarian text for map 17 | |
18t | German, English, French, Bulgarian text for map 18 | |
19t | German, English, French, Bulgarian text for map 19 | |
20t | German, English, French, Bulgarian text for map 20 | |
21t | German, English, French, Bulgarian text for map 21 | |
22t | German, English, French, Bulgarian text for map 22 | |
23t | German, English, French, Bulgarian text for map 23 | |
24t | German, English, French, Bulgarian text for map 24 | |
25t | German, English, French, Bulgarian text for map 25 | |
26t | German, English, French, Bulgarian text for map 26 | |
27t | German, English, French, Bulgarian text for map 27 | |
28t | German, English, French, Bulgarian text for map 28 | |
29t | German, English, French, Bulgarian text for map 29 | |
30t | German, English, French, Bulgarian text for map 30 | |
31t | German, English, French, Bulgarian text for map 31 | |
32t | German, English, French, Bulgarian text for map 32 | |
33t | German, English, French, Bulgarian text for map 33 | |
34t | German, English, French, Bulgarian text for map 34 | |
35t | German, English, French, Bulgarian text for map 35 | |
36t | German, English, French, Bulgarian text for map 36 | |
37t | German, English, French, Bulgarian text for map 37 | |
38t | German, English, French, Bulgarian text for map 38 | |
39t | German, English, French, Bulgarian text for map 39 | |
40t | German, English, French, Bulgarian text for map 40 | |