Prices of downloadable scanned images from
       Die Bulgaren in ihren historischen, ethnographischen und politischen Grenzen
       by Ishirkoff & Zlatarski

index numberPlate namesize in pixelskilobytesPrice
0048:0001Europe at the time of the Carolingians.6579x522226368$10
0048:0002South Eastern Europe c. 910, 1000, 1180, 12106547x513525731$10
0048:0006Bulgaria at the time of Asparuch and Terwel6591x661934103$10
0048:0007Bulgaria at the time of Krum and Omortag6582x664734255$10
0048:0008Bulgaria at the time of Pressiam and Boris6554x655533607$10
0048:0009Bulgaria at the time of Simeon and Peter6463x661033378$10
0048:0010Bulgaria at the time of Samuel6455x659232970$10
0048:0011The Patriarchate of Ochrida6490x657132016$10
0048:0012Bulgaria at the time of Assen I and Kalojan6408x655931873$10
0048:0013Bulgaria at the time of Assen II6409x661932937$10
0048:0014Bulgaria after 13556454x661033428$10
0048:0015Schafarik's Ethnological Map (1842)6426x464524084$10
0048:0016The Ethnological Map by Ami Boué6628x660134777$10
0048:0017The Ethnological Map by Dawidowitsch (1848)6680x513015184$10
0048:0018The Ethnological Map by Professor Dejardin (1853)6658x542329163$10
0048:0019The Ethnological Map by Lejean (1861)6556x662032539$10
0048:0020The Ethnological Map by von Hahn and Zach (1861)6091x67256355$10
0048:0021The Russian Ethnological Map (1867)6483x652833698$10
0048:0022The Ethnological Map by Muir-Mackensie and Irby (1867)
Map of the South Slavonic Countries
0048:0023The Ethnological Map by Professor Erben (1868)6528x639232472$10
0048:0024The Ethnological Map by Elisée Reclus (1876)6593x600131161$10
0048:0025The Ethnological Map by Kiepert (1876)6556x638236701$10
0048:0026The Ethnological Map by Synvet (1877)6564x660133402$10
0048:0027The Ethnological Map by Sax (1877)6665x630133355$10
0048:0028The Ethnological Map by the Slavic beneficent Society of Petrograd (1890)6601x603830319$10
0048:0029The Ethnological Map by Kantschoff (1900)6626x609331943$10
0048:0030The Ethnological Map by the Bulgarian Professors (1915)6648x478826734$10
0048:0031The Bulgarian Exarchate (1870-1912)6441x654131292$10
0048:0032Bulgaria according to the European Conference at Constantinople (1876-1877)
(map from British parliamentary paper)
0048:0033Bulgaria according to Prince Tscherkassky (1877)6483x659133559$10
0048:0034Bulgaria according to the Treaty of St. Stefano (1878)
A Map to illustrate Articles I. III. VI. of the Treaty of Peace Signed at San Stefano February 19, 1878
0048:0035Bulgaria according to the Treaty of Berlin (1878)6664x659235876$10
0048:0036The Union of the two Bulgarias (1885)6619x659231959$10
0048:0037The Map of the "Disputed Teritory" (1912)3381x44884746$10
0048:0038The Balkan Map after the War against Turkey in 1912-1916510x661932958$10
0048:0039Bulgaria after the Treaty of Bucharest (1913)6541x667133169$10
0048:0040Bulgaria in the year 19156559x657635623$10
0048:0101German, English, French, Bulgarian text for map 13161x31465403$3
0048:0102German, English, French, Bulgarian text for maps 2-53123x28204184$3
0048:0106German, English, French, Bulgarian text for map 63188x31485068$3
0048:0107German, English, French, Bulgarian text for map 73144x28674430$3
0048:0108German, English, French, Bulgarian text for map 83151x20612283$3
0048:0109German, English, French, Bulgarian text for map 93136x29534533$3
0048:0110German, English, French, Bulgarian text for map 103149x27754305$3
0048:0111German, English, French, Bulgarian text for map 113088x27363702$3
0048:0112German, English, French, Bulgarian text for map 123114x27704570$3
0048:0113German, English, French, Bulgarian text for map 133136x24103240$3
0048:0114German, English, French, Bulgarian text for map 143129x31245639$3
0048:0115German, English, French, Bulgarian text for map 153114x25663428$3
0048:0116German, English, French, Bulgarian text for map 163123x30845284$3
0048:0117German, English, French, Bulgarian text for map 173140x24923510$3
0048:0118German, English, French, Bulgarian text for map 183132x25883963$3
0048:0119German, English, French, Bulgarian text for map 193114x23973197$3
0048:0120German, English, French, Bulgarian text for map 203127x30844899$3
0048:0121German, English, French, Bulgarian text for map 213084x24403277$3
0048:0122German, English, French, Bulgarian text for map 223127x31325326$3
0048:0123German, English, French, Bulgarian text for map 233131x21812616$3
0048:0124German, English, French, Bulgarian text for map 243123x21322609$3
0048:0125German, English, French, Bulgarian text for map 253093x28404444$3
0048:0126German, English, French, Bulgarian text for map 263131x27714487$3
0048:0127German, English, French, Bulgarian text for map 273132x31445894$3
0048:0128German, English, French, Bulgarian text for map 283127x29585715$3
0048:0129German, English, French, Bulgarian text for map 293121x31815143$3
0048:0130German, English, French, Bulgarian text for map 303106x23543427$3
0048:0131German, English, French, Bulgarian text for map 313153x31446650$3
0048:0132German, English, French, Bulgarian text for map 323118x31535959$3
0048:0133German, English, French, Bulgarian text for map 333183x30625380$3
0048:0134German, English, French, Bulgarian text for map 343149x26884368$3
0048:0135German, English, French, Bulgarian text for map 353149x29804667$3
0048:0136German, English, French, Bulgarian text for map 363140x32966477$3
0048:0137German, English, French, Bulgarian text for map 373157x31537039$3
0048:0138German, English, French, Bulgarian text for map 383136x25484068$3
0048:0139German, English, French, Bulgarian text for map 393097x27574175$3
0048:0140German, English, French, Bulgarian text for map 403113x26854551$3

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