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Index no. 0042

The Victoria Regina Atlas

published by W & A. K. Johnston

Scanning and other details

This is an ordinary late-Victorian atlas. However, plates 94-106 are unusual, showing the provinces of India in greater detail than is usual for such an atlas. It is also in particularly good condition.

Scanning and other details about this work.

Plate no.Plate title
title page
94Lower Bengal
95North-West Provinces. Oudh & Nepal.
96Punjab (east) and Kashmir.
97Punjab (west) British Baluchistan and N.-W. Frontier.
98Rajputana & Ajmere-Merwara.
99Central India.
100Central Provinces.
101Haiderabad and Berar.
102Bombay (north) and Baroda.
103Bombay (south).
104Madras (south) Mysore and Coorg.
105Madras (north) Sth. Orissa & Ceylon.
106British Burma (north) Assam, and Manipur.
107British Burma (south) Andaman and Nicobar Islds.
108Calcutta and environs. Aden. Perim. Madras and environs. Bombay island & town.

You can buy higher-resolution versions of the scans listed here, see price list.