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Index no. 0048

Die Bulgaren / The Bulgarians / Les Bulgares / Българитҍ

in their historical, ethnographical and political frontiers


Published in Berlin by William Greve

List of plates.

As some of the maps are copied from various sources, the size of their printed areas varies. For the largest, 6-14 & 31-40, the area with the borders of the maps measures 261×261 mm.

Some of the maps were reduced in size when the publishers of this work copied them from the original work. This has reduced the legibility of the place names. In particular, Plates 20 and 30 have many illegible place names as reproduced in this work, and therefore also on this web site and in the copies sold from this web site; and Plate 29 has place names that are barely legible as reproduced in this work and in the copies sold from this web site, and many that are not legible on this web site itself.

Scanning details:

Scan maps at 600 d.p.i., text at 300 d.p.i.
   —   Images for sale were processed as above. Images shown on this site were further processed as follows:
"Smart resize" to 50% by 50%
Convert to Zoomify

Date scanned: 2009-06